Custom motorcycle insurance is going to save consumers lots of money by strategically making decisions before and after making the purchase of their motorcycle. Most people just make an impulse buy of the bike itself and just call up their automobile insurance company to insure the bike. Some people do not realize they have to insure a motorcycle just like a car. This article points out some helpful tips that can save you money when you purchase motorcycle insurance.
The type motorcycle you purchase is going to influence how much the insurer is going to charge you. The super fast built for speed motorcycles that many refer to as "bullet bikes" are looked at as high risk by the insurance companies so they will charge more. You will also pay more for highly customized bike with expensive add on features. These kind of bikes can cost from $25,000 - $75,000 dollars and more so most likely will be financed and you will be required to have liability and comprehensive coverage. You can save money by purchasing motorcycle outright and stay away from the "crotch rockets".
The insurance company looks at if you park the bike on the street or in a garage. If you have to park on street you can save money by using anti-theft equipment. Insurers also look at the area you live in for the risk factor. Los Angeles is higher risk than small town in Midwest.
The companies see you as higher risk if you are a new motorcyclist. A great idea here is many motorcycle dealers offer driving safety classes and let you use different motorcycles to take the class. You get to test drive different motorcycles to see which you want to buy and it will help save you money on your insurance.
Use these tips and find more helpful information on motorcycle insurance rates and motorcycle insurance companies below to help save money. You will enjoy that ride with the wind in your face even more with lower insurance cost. Ride on!
Greg Taylor writes about insurance for automobiles and motorcycles. Find more helpful tips and information on motorcycles and motorcycle insurance.
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thank you so much for the tips. Im sure this will help a lot of people. PPLIC